Interest Check: April 9th-May 7th
Contributor Applications: May 15th-June 15th
Contributor Acceptance and Onboarding: June 30th-July 3rd
Concept Pitch Deadline: July 10th
Check In 1: July 31
Check In 2: August 31
Final Turn-In: September 30th
Order Interest Check: October 9th - November 1st
Preorders: November 12th - December 11th
Production: December - January
Expected Shipping: February - March 2023
What is this project about? This project is a fanzine, a self-published collection of works by a variety of artists and writers centered around a theme. The general theme of this zine will focus on characters giving some love and attention to the shizuns of our favorite danmei series. This zine will be NSFWWill this zine be for profit? No. If this zine is physical, it will be p4p, pay for production, with the cost for contributor bundles factored into the sale price. If we end up with excess profit, we will either donate it to original works' authors or do giveaways.Will this zine be physical or digital? Our hope is that this can be a physical zine with physical merch, but that will depend largely on the results of the interest check.Who can apply? Anyone can apply as long as you are over 18 and can use discord. We will blind judge applications as best as we can and encourage you to apply, even if you’ve never done a fandom project before.Will my application need to include nsfw? No, it does not need to, though having at least one NSFW piece would be helpful. It only needs to show your proficiency as a writer or artist.If I am accepted, will my piece in the zine need to be nsfw? Though the overall zine will be nsfw, not all pieces need to be, depending on your pitch. Your piece will, however, need to be sexy or include a ship involving a shizun.How will contributors be compensated? We are hoping to compensate contributors with physical zines and merch, if sales allow. If we do not reach our sales goal, we will compensate with a free digital zine.What characters qualify as a shizun? A character counts as a shizun if a central part of their story/character arc revolves around having disciples. For example, Chu Wanning counts as a shizun because a main focus of 2ha’s plot is his relationship with his disciples. Shang Qinghua does not count, because, while he technically is someone’s shizun, this is not one of his key roles in the plot of SVSSS. Please pitch characters you believe should be included in the Interest Check.Which Danmei will be included in this zine? This will largely be determined by the interest check and whichever danmei get a lot of votes by the community at large. Definitely pitch danmei you would like to see included in the interest check. Mods may exclude a work if none of us have any familiarity with it.Are there any limitations on theme or subject matter? We would like to grant as much creative freedom in this zine as possible, but the printers we’ve looked into do have vaguely stated limitations on the following: no overt underage and non-con, and some hardcore kinks will not be allowed on a case-by-case basis. The mods will review contributor pitches and use our best judgment to determine what can and can’t be printed before letting contributors start on their pieces. We will do our best, however, to keep an open mind in regards to themes.What ships are allowed? Any ships involving a shizun that do not cross any of the lines mentioned above will be allowed.How many contributors will you be accepting for each category? We will be looking for around 20 artists, 2-3 merch artists and 6-7 writers!